Install via PyPi/pip

As seen on the Introduction page, Tuna is a PyPi package that can be installed with pip.

For more details on the package, take a look at

To install the latest release via pip, simply run:

pip install tuna-cli

To install a specific version (for more information, see Released Versions) and run

pip install tuna-cli==X.X.X

Note that no versions beyond the latest release are guaranteed to be supported or work in any way, and you are at your own risk for installing anything beyond the latest version.

Build from Source

Simply clone the repository at, cd into it, and run pip install . or pip install -e . This will give you access to branch and development builds as long as your git tree is up to date.

Full commands:

# in /path/to/your/directory
git clone
cd /path/to/your/directory/tuna

# either
pip install -e . # for development / preview changes
# OR 
pip install . # for permanent package 

A Python Virtual Environment is recommended for development and testing purposes to protect your other global packages.

Contribute to Tuna

Help us make Tuna better by contributing to the open-source codebase!


To remove Tuna from your system, simply run:

pip uninstall tuna-cli

To remove development mode installations, simply remove the cloned repository from your system.