Tuna, at its core, is a command-line tool, wrapping your computer’s SSH configurations, and enriching it with workspaces, to make your directory of choice into an AI workstation.

All of the functionality of Tuna can be found at each respective page below.


Tuna’s Workspace-based Functonality is covered in the Initialization section.


Tuna’s Notebook System is covered in the Notebooks section.


Tuna’s Dataset System is covered in the Datasets section.


Tuna’s Lab Functionality is covered in the Labs section.


Our API documentation for the Developer Cloud is available at the API section. The API requires a key, only available to Pro and Enterprise users at this time.

Developer Cloud

Our private-facing Developer Cloud documentation is available to Pro and Enterprise users at this time. If you are a Pro or Enterprise user, you can access these through your Dashboard


To return the current version of Tuna, run

tuna [-v | --version]


If you ever need help with a Tuna command, you can always run

tuna [-h | --help] <command> 


Want to learn about AI and Fine-Tuning? run

tuna learn <word>

to get a brief explanation of the concept, and run

tuna learn words

to find all supported words at this time.